Monday, 24 May 2010

Saturday down at the market (s) – part two

{In London}: After experiencing the community and local spirit of Broadway Market, it was  time for some internationalism at Portobello Market. Portobello Market is well known to antique lovers and dealers worldwide as well as to tourists  and locals. Walking along the famous Road there is plenty to be entertained by, antiques, independent shops and street artists. The atmosphere here is very international, you can hear different languages being spoken whilst cameras capture some essence of the buzzing market, definitively worth a visit.


Collectables on sale


Colourful throws from Pakistan


Vintage sewing machine on display at All Saints shop in Portobello Road.


Paul Smith shop (a converted Victorian house)

082059068049061056  Photography: Me for Mandarine d’Italie


Mariella said...

beautiful pictures...they really capture the spirit of Portobello

Anonymous said...

It's always good to have some of the Spirit of London!! I like the new arangement you give at blog too Mandarine!!! see you soon! it has been hot even here now! but as you said the change has been too much quick!! keep going with the Disfatta of Caporetto!!
Love W. the Antiques Lovers

CarlottaD said...

Oh mamma! come mi manca quel mercatino!

The Armchair Parisian said...

Thank you for the virtual visit. I honeymooned in London nearly 20 years ago and we have a few treasures from Portabello Road. Love the vintage sewing machine display!

Laure said...

Dear Mandarine,

I am the Content and Community Manager of, the new community travel guide.

Our editorial team has selected your blog for our program "Travelavenue favorite blog 2010".

Could you please give me your mail? I will present you our program in details.

Thank you


Anonymous said...

Wow Mandarine! what a nice reward you got! I'm happy that you have been selected! You deserve it!!!
Be proud of your self!!
W. the Antiques Lovers

Chiara said...

carissima,devo fare una confessione:io non sono mai andata a Londra..ok, adesso mi nascondo dietro alla lavagna!Mi riservo sempre di andarci ma mi manca l'occasione o forse il compagno/a di viaggio giusto,mi perderei in questi mercatini, guarderei tutto e fotograferei anche i tombini!Credo che apprezzerei anche la cucina che è sempre stata bistrattata da tutti,chissà che non sia l'anno giusto per fare il salto della manica...Un bacione